Freyja with Bygul & Trjegul, Norse Pagan, Heathen, Women's Viking Pendant
Spinning moon double sided gold plated cabachon pendant featuring a beautiful depiction of a young Freya with her beloved cats Bygul and Trjegul. On the reverse side is an Obsidian Mahogany cabochon. In Norse Mythology the goddess Freyja has two cats named Bygul and Trjegul who pull her chariot around Asgard, home of the Aesir gods and goddesses. She enjoys traveling to the other worlds when she isn’t too busy ruling over Folkvangr. She is the main goddess of the Vanir family. Freyja is Njordr and her brother is Freyr. Freyja’s cats Bygul and Trjegul were given to her as kittens from Thor the Norse storm god. This item features a 20 inch gold plated chain with lobster clasp fastening.
Supplied in a kraft gift box.